Cellular Release Therapy (CRT)
Cellular Release Therapy® (CRT) is a gentle, yet robust, process to clear trauma, unresolved, or painful experiences. CRT addresses and resolves not only the experiences but the feelings, beliefs, habits, patterns, blame, and punishment of yourself and others from any event that has occurred. This permission-based process allows clients—in their own time and in their own way—to enable old emotions, habits, and patterns to be understood and resolved.
The CRT process connects directly with the subconscious, allowing the client to clear traumatic experiences without having to remember or re-experience them.
When working in a deeply relaxed state, the subconscious mind can access material that it is ready and willing to release. Once released, the conscious mind can function free of past trauma, limiting beliefs, or befuddled patterns of relating to the world. The emotional charge and physical ‘weight’ is released, allowing painful memories and experiences to be remembered or discussed without any re-traumatization or pain.
Emotional Trauma
Unfortunately, we live in a world in which often we receive messages that it is not okay to feel or express our emotions. We are conditioned from childhood to find coping mechanisms to disconnect from our feelings. At times you may use food, alcohol, smoking, self-harm, or other compulsive behaviors to move away from pain. The trauma that we experience at any point in our lives, but especially in childhood, is buried alive unless we decide that we want to heal it. A landmark research study done in the 1990s at Kaiser Permanente found links between childhood trauma and severe medical conditions and continued injury into adulthood. This study identified ten adverse childhood events (or ACE). The higher the number of events experienced as a child, the higher the likelihood of continuing in similar cycles or experiencing severe medical conditions.
A significant part of the healing process is investigating and discovering what in your life has caused and is currently causing you pain. Through CRT, we work together to dismantle all of the causes and beliefs associated with this pain. By taking responsibility for our own lives, we become empowered to do something about it, rather than feel victimized by it.
Many people come into our office, not knowing what to expect or how they will feel differently after doing a clearing using CRT®. After addressing the trauma, people often report feeling lighter, calmer, sleeping better, having less pain in their bodies, eating better, having less desire to drink, or using other coping mechanisms. Most importantly, when they think about the events of their lives that they have cleared, the unrest or charge around the specific activity or topic is no longer present.
As people participate in their healing, they quickly come to realize that healing is possible. The first step is to recognize that there is something that needs to be resolved. Moreover, then decide to do something about it. Once that determination is made, a beautiful journey of finding oneself can begin.
Chronic Pain
Many people are already familiar with the fact that emotional stress can lead to stomachaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and headaches. However, they might not know is that it can cause other physical complaints and even chronic pain. Studies have found that the more anxious and stressed people are, the tenser and more constricted their muscles are. Over time this will cause the muscles to become fatigued and inefficient.
More subtly, one might develop psychosomatic symptoms or stress-related symptoms because of unresolved emotional issues.
Experts have noticed that experiencing a traumatic event can have an impact on the development of pain. Approximately 15-30% of patients with chronic pain also have PTSD.
Often physical pain functions to warn a person that there is still emotional work to be done. It can also be a sign of unresolved trauma in the nervous system. Even if one has grieved and processed the emotional impact of an injury, the nervous system might still unwittingly be in survival mode.
There are many reasons why you may be experiencing chronic pains. At Root & Restore, we work as a team to address the physical components such as connective tissue, muscle, ligament, or nerves through manual techniques. We also discuss the physical symptoms through the possible psychosomatic (or mind-body) connection.
Postpartum Weight Loss & Body Image Issues
Together we identify the patterns, beliefs, and relationships one has about themselves, food, and weight to find where these may have originated. By clearing these beliefs, it allows you the space to develop a relationship of acceptance and love for yourself and your body. In this fashion, it will become much more comfortable to adopt healthier lifestyles and choices for you and your body.
When people are ready to do this kind of deep healing, many changes happen in their lives and their bodies, and people learn that transformation from the inside out is possible. If you are interested in discussing this with us and exploring if this may be helpful to you, please call us for a free consultation.
Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR)
Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex® (P-DTR) is a product of the original thought and investigations of orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognizes that our nervous system transmits information about your environment to your brain via sensory nerves. Different nerves are sensitive to various stimuli like stretching, pressure, heat, cold, and vibration. Your brain then interprets this uses this information to make decisions about how to function and move.
Illness, injury, or other types of stress may trigger your nervous system to interpret a familiar, normally non-harmful stimulus as “dangerous.” As a result, your brain and body will react and adapt accordingly, possibly resulting in chronic or recurring pain, muscle tension or weakness, or injuries.
P-DTR® is a unique and specialized approach to functional neurology, anatomy, and biomechanics. It involves testing these various sensory receptors and how they affect your movement, function, and respond to different stresses. We use specific nerve and muscle function testing to identify dysfunctional nerve input and output – where the “short circuit” is. We then combine the stimulation of reflexes to “reset” these faulty circuits, leading to improved function and decreased pain in both acute and chronic problems.
Most forms of therapy rely exclusively on addressing the “hardware” of the body, neglecting the fact that much of the pain and dysfunction we experience is often actually a problem with our “software.” To use an analogy, if your computer has a software bug, changing the monitor or keyboard will not solve the problem. P-DTR® works by effectively identifying, isolating, and eliminating those bugs. The work is rapid, tremendously useful, and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
Some of the benefits of P-DTR® include:
Maximizes balance and stability throughout the body
Reduces or ends acute pain in as little as a single session
Achieves quick, long-lasting results
Treats the problem rather than the symptoms
Optimizes athletic performance
Resolves problems you thought you’d “just have to live with”
Accelerates recovery from acute injury
Increase range of motion, strength, and stamina
Eliminates lingering dysfunction and pain from chronic injuries
Improves muscle function and coordination in a short amount of time
Does away with the weakened effects of repetitive stress
Depending on the specific needs of a particular patient will determine which treatment type we will use. Treatments utilize neuroscience, knowledge, and adjustment of posture and body alignment, behavior retraining, down-training techniques, relaxation techniques, manual therapy including dry needling, myofascial release, scar tissue/adhesion mobilization and release, bowel, and bladder retraining and much, much more. These treatments will be part of a holistic approach along with other practices, including OBGYN, urology, urogynecology, gastroenterology, family practice, and nurse/midwives.